
Assignment Instructions

ALL ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE MAILED TO: submission is before the start of the next class.

All assignments should be typed in a word document. the name of the word documents should be saved with the assignment number AND the students index number.
e.g. Assignment 1 - 0011224433

Within the document, at the top of the page, please type your 1) name 2) course 3) index number 4) assignment number

when sending the assignment via email, please let the subject be the same as the assignment number. Therefore if you are sending in assignment 3 then the subject of the email should be "ASSIGNMENT 3"

Assignment 1

Write short notes on the Common Language Runtime with respect to the .Net framework. The assignment should be typed in Microsoft Word format (either .doc or .docx) and SHOULD NOT be longer than one page.

Assignment 2

Write a console application that contains a subroutine called “multiplication”. That subroutine needs to ask the user to input three numbers and the program should then be able to multiply them together and display the answer. The subroutine need to be called from the main subroutine. Include a comment that has your name and index number.


Assignment 3

Making use of

1    Array(s)
2        Function(s)
            And if statement(s)

Create a program that asks the user to input four numbers, then two methods that multiply those four numbers and then add the first two numbers; add the second two numbers and then divide the two answers and display the results on the console. Add the functionality to determine which user inputted number is greater, smaller or equal.


Assignment 4

Create a WINDOWS FORMS APPLICATION that can handle the "DENOMINATIONS" question discussed in the class.

your program should be able to allow the user to input the cost of an item and the amount paid for it and display the change to give the person in denominatins with preference to the highest denomination first.



  1. please sir,can we have the first lecture notes so we can study? thanks.

  2. All students should try and READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY, failure to read the instructions AND FOLLOW them will result in you getting no marks for the assignment.
